
  • To bridge the digital gender gap and provide marketable digital skills in Mediterranean territories by developing a network and a portal that brings closer the demand and supply of the labour market, providing women with digital skills, and delivering professional training in the agri-food, financial, textile, and tourism sectors.

What will be improved?

  • During the project, the INTERNISA network will foster the hiring of 400 women trained in digital skills through short-term crowd working & traineeships and long-term full-time jobs. INTERNISA’s impact is to provide an inexpensive and sustainable mechanism to ensure that businesspeople, women, and public authorities have access to training and know-how to develop their digital skills

Who will benefit?

  • 1,000 women and NEETs with free access to training resources on digital skills
  • 800 businesses operating in the agri-food, tourism, textile, and financial sectors.
  • 50 public sector employees offering policy knowledge on digitalization and women’s empowerment.

Expected achievements

  • 400 women trained in digital skills hired
  • 9 sets of online and offline training based on digital skills and innovations.
  • 1 online portal including labour supply and demand match-making mechanism and 1 mobile app.
  • 1 info point to access offline advising.

Contribution to policymaking

  • Public authorities, through training packages and seminars, will provide their members with know-how on how to apply good policies for promoting women’s employment and digitalisation. The development of online and offline training curricula and tools will facilitate knowledge, skills development of public sector employees. Finally, the project will develop a series of policy recommendations to foster professionalization of women through digital skills.


  • Partners: 9
  • Countries: 7
  • Technical outputs: 25
  • Project duration: 05 October 2020 to 04 April 2023